Saying I'll Be Raw Vegan Forever Feels Scary

healing journey raw vegan May 14, 2020

A raw vegan diet can be the most uplifting, heart connecting, mind expanding, soul healing experience of your life! But a lot of people struggle with eating healthier. Cravings and emotional eating habits can really derail a raw vegan diet quickly.

We have to understand there is a natural timeline to our healing journey and we need to work with our body not against it. Some people try Raw Till 4. Some people try High Raw. Some people just beat themselves up because they cant stick with it and it just kills them!

Step number 1—Do not beat yourself up! I know it can feel scary to think about going raw vegan forever! But that’s not what you need to do first! You need to watch this video and I’ll share some ideas that might really help you! Click here to watch the video:


50% Complete

Two Step

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