• Expert level private coaching with a trained juice fasting expert
  • Audio messaging with your coach during business hours
  • Weekly zoom meeting
  • Private Facebook group
  • Shane Sterling's step-by-step Bowel Detoxification Guide for removing mucoid plaque
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Next Juice Fast Mastery Program Starts July 1st 2024!

Don't miss it! Get the help you need!











Questions for Kim? Click here!



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Kim Sophie

5 stars!


I absolutely recommend this 40 day Juice Fast Mastery program! I only did two days of fruit juice. Due  to some challenging infections i need to ease in slowly. Nevertheless she is there with you and fully present! The best news is that I was able to break my severe addiction to junk foods during this coaching program. Kim is there for you on the road to recovery! She is very loving, a good listener and supports you through every discomfort during your process. If you want to upgrade your health i would say go for it! This coaching program is promising!
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I just finished my second round of Juice Fast Mastery which marks 160 days total Juicing! The first round of JFM I was struggling with food cravings and the stress of life causing me to not feel committed to my routine. After the first few months I finally got in a groove and thought I was done Juicing when I had a big release of mucoid plaque. But after further coaching I realized I had a lot of Inflammation in the gut and wasn't drinking enough LGB to help my body detox properly. So I signed up for another round of juice fast Mastery, and my focus for the 2.0 version was discipline! I developed a deeper practice with my spirituality, detoxed parasites and candida and made connections with some amazing people in the community. I am so thankful to have done this because it was the first time in my life I actually felt worthy enough to put myself first.

If you're on the fence, I ask what are you waiting for? Don't let the voice of limiting beliefs stop you from reaching your goals! If the intuitive nudge is there, listen to it and sign up for the next round! The private 1 on 1 coaching, in and of itself, is worth it to me time and time again! 

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I just finished my first Juice Fast Mastery. Prior to this I had never done a juice fast before. There are no negatives of joining. It’s you and like minded individuals who are all after health and healing encouraging and supporting each other everyday for 40 days. I feel I wouldn’t have been able to go 50 days without this group.

I had waste-loss, some detox symptoms, emotional detox symptoms, grew on my spirituality, self love, and learned so much from my peers and coach, and of course weight loss but that’s not what’s most important. This experience is more than worth it! Invest in yourself! You’re worth it! It’s not forever, it’s 40 days of giving your body some time to heal and clear out. Remember healing can be messy, but we all have to start somewhere. If you’re getting a tap on the shoulder or something is drawing you to this, listen to it!

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I just signed up for Juice Fast Mastery. Power in support! I have hashimoto's...and anxiety as well, however I'm learning to let go of that story so I can align with what I want instead of what I don't want. Juice fasting is great reset on many levels. I've healed many eating disorders (the old story.) Now I say invest in myself and spend the money. Then I can pass on what I've learned and help others! You can do it. Do it for you!

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I love my coach. She is so caring and loving and encouraging. She is showing up constantly in our group chat and be the person there for us, today is my 48 days, and still releasing a ton of mucoid plaque. Cant say enough thank you to her and our  group’s support for the journey. Highly recommended!!

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Before doing this cleanse I felt like I was just plodding along in life, aimless. I am now on day SIXTY THREE of my juice fast, that’s right 6-3, I feel the best I’ve felt in YEARS, but most importantly I have a clear VISION for the life I want to create. I honestly feel I am a better mother and spouse from all the transformation that has taken place during this cleanse. My coach is incredibly good at what she does!

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I’ve done two rounds of Juice Fast Mastery and I’m about to embark on round three. Quite simply... it is the answer!

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Worth every penny!!! Wouldn’t have made it without it!!!

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I’ve done it, life changer!!! I loved having my coach and my group for support on the journey. I went through a lot of emotional and physical detox.

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I’ve joined and it was amazing! I agree with the previous comments that it’s a life-changer.

I never had my energy vibrating higher. It was so high, my boss even felt it and had to comment.

Doing it in a group helps get you through so much!

100% worth it!

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Yes it changes so many aspects of your life all at once. It is the most powerful detox of all the detox’s I have ever done. This is primarily because you are completely cleaning out your GI tract. There is no shortcut or health-hack that could do more for getting your gut completely clean. It completely restores your gut microbiome.