Juice Fast // Top 5 Pros And Cons

Juice fasting is not a diet! It’s not a cleanse! It’s is not a lifestyle! It’s not for weight loss! Juice fasting is a temporary intervention protocol used to empty the GI tract of all mucous and biofilms in order to help the body transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle. You only need to do a juice fast one time if you do it properly and maintain a healthy diet afterwards. It is raw foods that heal us, juice fasting simply clears the way!
Detoxing the bowels has some serious consequences and some serious benefits. In this video I talk about the top 5 reasons a juice fast will benefit your life and the top 5 dangers to be prepared for. If you are someone who is sick, fatigued, inflamed, irritable, anxious, or depressed a juice fast will cure these disorders along with other lifestyle changes. To learn more about the pros and cons of doing a juice fast click this video:

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