Juice Fast // Top 5 Pros And Cons

Juice fasting is not a diet! It’s not a cleanse! It’s is not a lifestyle! It’s not for weight loss! Juice fasting is a temporary intervention protocol used to empty the GI tract of all mucous and biofilms in order to help the body transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle. You only need to do a juice fast one time if you do it properly and maintain a healthy diet afterwards. It is raw foods that heal us, juice fasting simply clears the way!
Detoxing the bowels has some serious consequences and some serious benefits. In this video I talk about the top 5 reasons a juice fast will benefit your life and the top 5 dangers to be prepared for. If you are someone who is sick, fatigued, inflamed, irritable, anxious, or depressed a juice fast will cure these disorders along with other lifestyle changes. To learn more about the pros and cons of doing a juice fast click this video:

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Juice Fasting!

You are struggling with poor digestion whether you realize it or not! Everybody is! The average American has 12 to 15 meals inside of them at any given time, and carries around an extra 20 to 30 pounds of pure waste inside the GI tract. 45% of Americans are nutrient deficient which means we are not absorbing our food properly! You might find this hard to believe but if you were to do an extended juice fast for yourself you would see the cesspool inside!
Juice fasting has gained popularity since the 1970’s with juicing gurus like Jack LaLanne and Paul Bragg but the truth remains, millions of Americans suffer with chronic diseases that can easily be reversed by incorporating juice fasting. I have been a juice fast coach since 2017 and have helped hundreds of people through their own juice fasting experience. In this video I cover the top 10 most frequently asked questions I hear from beginners. Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/MYv0Em8NIu4

Essential Tips For Juice Fasting!

Juice fasting is a simple and enjoyable way to create more clarity and connection in your life! As we clean out the GI tract we also clean out our cells which in turn cleans out our thoughts and feelings. We often feel deep sensitivity while juice fasting and can have creative insights and revelations about our destiny and purpose!
But we can also struggle with our demons! Releasing toxins is hard work and our brain can get fatigued and anxious! But we can easily avoid all the struggles of juice fasting if we have some basic tips to follow. In this video I give you some essential tips for a successful juice fast. Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/6jipA3X6CcQ

How To Rebuild The Gut After A Juice Fast!

Juice fasting is only the beginning of a healing journey! Rebuilding the gut after a juice fast is much harder and requires much more diligence! And we must realize that rebuilding the gut is key to longterm health. If we do it right we can truly reclaim our health, transform our life and live a raw vegan lifestyle with ease.

This video is the definitive guide on how to rebuild the gut after a juice fast. The scope of this video covers the first year’s timeline and beyond. If you want to be healthy for the rest of your life this is a must watch video: https://youtu.be/jJ_dEXvfVgc


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