💊Get Off Meds With A Raw Vegan Diet!

A former client just sent me an amazingly abundant care package of raw foods as a thank you, and a letter explaining the profound healing she has experienced since coming off of medication! As a coach my goal has always been to help others see the potential within themselves to heal naturally! When we feel encouraged and supported anything is possible including getting off pharmaceuticals after 20 years of dependency!
If you are someone who has deep anxiety from the medications you are taking this is a must watch video for you! Learn how someone just like yourself used the power of juice fasting and raw food to completely come off a cocktail of meds. Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/kvTuwlyw-u4

Juice Fast // Top 5 Pros And Cons

Juice fasting is not a diet! It’s not a cleanse! It’s is not a lifestyle! It’s not for weight loss! Juice fasting is a temporary intervention protocol used to empty the GI tract of all mucous and biofilms in order to help the body transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle. You only need to do a juice fast one time if you do it properly and maintain a healthy diet afterwards. It is raw foods that heal us, juice fasting simply clears the way!
Detoxing the bowels has some serious consequences and some serious benefits. In this video I talk about the top 5 reasons a juice fast will benefit your life and the top 5 dangers to be prepared for. If you are someone who is sick, fatigued, inflamed, irritable, anxious, or depressed a juice fast will cure these disorders along with other lifestyle changes. To learn more about the pros and cons of doing a juice fast click this video:

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