💊Get Off Meds With A Raw Vegan Diet!

A former client just sent me an amazingly abundant care package of raw foods as a thank you, and a letter explaining the profound healing she has experienced since coming off of medication! As a coach my goal has always been to help others see the potential within themselves to heal naturally! When we feel encouraged and supported anything is possible including getting off pharmaceuticals after 20 years of dependency!
If you are someone who has deep anxiety from the medications you are taking this is a must watch video for you! Learn how someone just like yourself used the power of juice fasting and raw food to completely come off a cocktail of meds. Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/kvTuwlyw-u4

7 Signs You Need To Do A Juice Fast!

People suffer needlessly from chronic illness because they don’t understand one simple thing, how the body works! And the mainstream medical narrative makes it worse by pushing their pharmaceuticals and antibiotics to cover up the symptoms.

Look, our body is infinitely wise! It knows how to heal, how to detox, how to stay disease free! All we have to do is get our of our own way! The best way to assist the body in healing is to stop eating garbage food and clean out the gut. If you have any current health issues that your doctor says has no cure you should listen up! Here are seven signs that you need to do a juice fast! Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/tiGqNaHVZvY 

10 Things That Happened When I Went Raw Vegan

Going raw vegan is one of the best things I have ever done! I feel like i set myself free from a deep addiction of denial and self abuse. I feel like my life is now just starting because I have a new context for everything! I am more inspired about life than ever before and I feel my contribution is more important than ever before!

But it took more work than most people might be willing to do! Transitioning to a raw vegan diet moves you through stages. There is detox, digestion, cravings and crippling self doubt! But for those who are willing to listen, the call to go raw can be a massive breakthrough to more enjoyment, emotional stability, health and abundance! So what kind of things should you expect to experience if you go raw vegan? Well, these are the 10 things that happened to me! Click here to watch the video: https://youtu.be/T5vp1YWtrfo


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